Christine Tjia

= All is well in my world =

= Buddies =
= Clickies =


Pondered by = Christine =


A funny thing we human have.

Be it that they are good and beneficial or those that we regret time and again, we tend to repeat the same behavior, day after day.

Leaving things everywhere when we know its time to clean up the room.

Calling fast food delivery when the resolution is to eat healthily.

Anchored ourselves in front of TV even though we have been meaning to read a book or two.

We all have a picture of an ideal person we want to be. And so each year, we use January to make a list of amendments to give a heart-felt go at changing - to be somehow better.

Should we not first redefine our definition of reality and priorities? Is character not more important than our calendar??

We're convinced we're too busy to do that things we are meant to do. It's impossible to get it done, without quitting our job or neglecting our loved ones.

But honestly - REALLY?

Time is given and it has always been enough.

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV)

When our fave TV show comes on, do we not squeeze time to watch?

When sale season is around the corner, do we not find time to hit down town?

When a dear friend wants to catch up, do we not make time for it?

There is always enough time because we make "time" all the time! Life is about choices.

You definitely have the 8 seconds to put the items back where they belongs.

Do groceries more often so your choice of food is not only fast food delivery.

Watch 1 less TV show and you have created more time to read a book or two.


A funny thing we human have, eh?

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1 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

I like Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV

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